
Eating Barriers

Jake’s Eating Barriers are low maintenance; no springs, cow- and user-friendly.

Jake’s Feed Fronts are a heavy-duty design to allow the cows or calves to eat freely, with no catching mechanism. The angled 1 5/8″ tubes can be ordered with different spacing between them depending on which size of animal will be using it. They are designed to be installed with the bottom 2 3/8″ mounted to the center of the concrete curb and the top 2 3/8″ pipe to be offset away from the cow, this is to bring the cow closer to the feed manger. The Feed Front are made with all 1/8″ wall tubing, and Canadian steel that is hot dipped galvanized to withstand the wet environments when placed within a dairy.
    • Feed front
    • Mounting clamps
Jake’s Headlocks are a heavy duty design to catch the cows when there is a need for treatment, or to refill the stalls with bedding. They have rubber bumpers to create a quiet stress free environment within a dairy. They are designed to be installed with the bottom 2 3/8″ mounted to the center of the concrete curb and the top 2 3/8″ pipe to be offset away from the cow, this is to bring the cow closer to the feed manger. The Headlocks are made with all 1/8″ wall tubing, and Canadian steel that is hot dipped galvanized to withstand the wet environments when placed within a dairy.
    • Headlock
    • Mounting clamps